Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look What I Got!!!!

My dearest hubbie really loves me!!!!! He gave me the best gift ever.... he paid for my Thistle Girls Design Reseller's License, yahooooo. I have been waiting for this for a long while now, and finally after a lot of begging, well actually I asked for it just this Christmas. If I have known it would be so easy, I would have asked for it wayyyyyy before. And now I can brag or I can start making cute things to share... wait for them, they are going to be coming soon!!!!!
Here I left you my new baby, I'm soooooo happy : )

Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm in Love...

with my blog, I just love it!!!! It has been quite a journey, but a smooth one thanks to Misty and Erika from The Honey Bunch. When I first contacted them I wasn't quite sure what I wanted, I remember filling their form, so they could have a better idea of what I like, but while we were working together, I changed everything. Let me tell you something about those ladies: they are really patient ;)
Then it was finally ready, but it was missing something, so I contacted them again, and the result was a brand new signature, I looooveee to have my own Melonheadz, but it wasn't all... They even added my kids to the formula, and the result is something amazing.
If you want to start your own blog or to jazz it up I highly recommend them!!!!!
See you around :)